Increase Your WiFi Speeds With These Simple Tweaks

Almost everyone have internet access these days and internet over WiFi is the most commonly used process. But what if your WiFi connectivity is not good ?. Here is how you can increase your WiFi speeds by some of these simple tweaks hope you like them
Make sure that your router is in the right place
If you have some dead zones in your house, your router may be in the wrong spot. The perfect place for a Wi-Fi router is in the center of your room at least a few feet above the ground. No matter what, do not hide it in the closet as it weakens the signal.
Find an ideal Wi-Fi channel
Choosing the right Wi-Fi channel will help you to reduce interference and improve the signal. The most frequently used channels that do not overlap with each other are 1, 6, and 11.
If you are a Mac user, you have a special option called integrated Wireless Diagnostics feature that recommend the best channel depending on the connected router.
To access it:
1. Press the Option key.
2. In the upper-right corner of the window, click the Wi-Fi icon.
3. In the dropdown menu, find “Open Wireless Diagnostics”, and then select Utilities.
4. On the Wi-Fi Scan tab, click Scan Now to view the Wi-Fi channels that you should be using.
Change your Wi-Fi channel
You will need to login to your router as admin with the appropriate password, and then change the channel settings. The location depends on the type of router that you have. If a channel is already fixed, move five channels away, that is, if it is on channel 1, move to 6 or 11.
You will then have to specify that fixed channel on all connecting devices.
Switch to 5GHz band
Usually routers have two frequency band settings: 2.4GHz (for long-range signal) and 5GHz (for short-range signal). If you pick the 5GHz band, it will reduce the number of people with unauthorized access. In this way you will prevent wide broadcasting.
Reboot your router
As in case with other electronics, when a router is on for a while, it will tend to stop performing at its best. Rebooting your router can fix Internet connection problems and improve slow moving connections.
Comment below if I missed any points.

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